Find call details with a quick search.

Find call details with a quick search.

Sometimes, all you want to do is search for a phone number or extension. Variphy’s call search feature gives you the info you need: where a call was answered, how long it was, where it was transferred, and who hung up.

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Get a full picture of your call flow.

Get a full picture of your call flow.

Do you have insight into your call flow? With Variphy, you can visualize the chronological order of events for each caller, from when they called into your system until they disconnected

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View your busy hours

View your busy hours

Call attempts, conference calls, and parked calls can take up your organization’s resources. Call traffic can arise at any time — Variphy can give you insight when it happens.

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Track hunt group and call queue performance.

Track hunt group and call queue performance.

Eliminate the guesswork when analyzing your hunt group performance. By monitoring call flows and usage, you’ll gain insights across your UC environment.

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Report on answer and abandonment rates.

Report on answer and abandonment rates.

The characteristics of answered and abandoned calls can reveal valuable information. Variphy helps you uncover the time threshold for each queue — and your customer’s patience level.

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Identify dormant or underutilized phones.

Identify dormant or underutilized phones.

Do you know when a phone or end user hasn’t made or received your minimum number of calls? With a simple report from Variphy, you can find dormant or underutilized phones quickly.

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Get better insight into your call data.